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Microsoft Excel is an advanced spreadsheet program (software package), which is developed by Microsoft Company of USA. . Using this program we can make balance sheet, production cost, income statement, reconciliation statement, graphs, mark sheet, data processing, mathematical operation etc. A spreadsheet is sometimes called worksheet, a blank paper made up of rows and columns cells with gridlines. It has more workbooks and each workbook contains various sheets.

Cell :
A cell is an intersection of row and column. Each rectangular area in the Excel’s screen is called cell. It is the basic unit of the worksheet in which you store data.

Worksheet :
A worksheet can contain data, charts, or both. Instead of compiling all of your information into one worksheet, you can create several worksheets within the one workbook file
(Add a worksheet to a workbook ,From Insert menu click Worksheet .)

Workbook :
A collection of worksheets which collectively used to store related information. The maximum numbers of worksheets that can be added into a workbook is 255. By default, there are 3 worksheets available in one workbook .

Cell Pointer :
A rectangular highlight that identifies the current cell is known as cell pointer.

Cell Reference
The address (consisting of the column and row IDs) of a specific cell. The current cell location is displayed in the upper left corner of the worksheet.
Formula Bar :

It is the standard place where we edit the data and formula. However, you can directly edit the data and formula at their original cell. All formulas begin with the equal sign ( = ).

Range :
A group of cells. Ranges are often referenced for formulas, printing, and designating information to be copied or cut. Ranges can be selected by dragging (also referred to as painting) over the cells.

Row :
A horizontal group of cells within a worksheet. There are 65536 rows (labeled 1 through 65536) in a excel worksheet file. The default row height is 12.75 point.
(Add a row to a worksheet, Go to Insert menu>>Rows or highlight the row by clicking on the row label>> right-click with the mouse, and choose Insert.)

Column :
A vertical group of cells within a worksheet.here are 256 rows (labeled A to through IV ) in a excel worksheet file.The default column width is 8.43 point
(Add a column ,From Insert menu click Cloumn or highlight the column by click on the column label>> right-click with the mouse and choose Insert.)
Freeze Panes :

Excel's Freeze Panes feature lets you keep specific rows and columns visible while scrolling through the worksheet. You can freeze rows, columns, or both.
(Select Required cell ,Form window menu click on Freeze Pane)
( To remove the frozen panes, Go to Window menu >>click Unfreeze Panes.

   Table of Content
Formatting Cells
Formulas and Operater
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