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Function :
A function is a special formula previously written that accepts one or more values, performs calculations with those values and returns a result. All functions must follow syntax and if this is not adhered to Excel will display an error message.
Excel has many built in functions for specific categories of applications. They are:

1. Mathematical Functions :

Mathematical function is used to perform simple and complex mathematical calculations, such as calculating the total value for a range of cells or the total value for a range of cells that meet a condition in another range of cells, or round numbers. Some of the most popular and useful mathematical functions are described below:

ABS: This function returns the absolute value of a number i.e. a number without its sign.

Syntax: ABS(number)

For example: =ABS(3) equals 3

=ABS(-3) equals 3.

This function rounds a positive number up and negative number down to the nearest
ceven integer. Syntax: EVEN(number)

For example: =EVEN(2.3) equals 4

=EVEN(-7.2) equals -8.

INT:This function rounds a number down to the nearest integer. Syntax: INT(number) where number is the real number you want to round down to an integer.

For example: =INT(8.9) equals 8

=INT(-8.9) equals -9.

FACT: This function returns factorial of a given number, i.e. 1*2*3*….*(number-1)*(number). Syntax: FACT(number)

For example: =FACT(5) equals 120

=FACT(3) equals 6.

MOD: This function returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor. Syntax: MOD(number, divisor)

For example: =MOD(7,2) equals 1

=MOD(13,7) equals 6.

ODD: This function rounds positive number up and negative number down to the nearest odd integer. Syntax: ODD(number)

For example: =ODD(1.1) equals 3

=ODD(-2.5) equals -3.

POWER: This function calculates and returns the number raise to some power. Syntax: POWER(number, power)

For example: =POWER(2,5) equals 32

=POWER(-5,2) equals 25

RAND: This function returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. Syntax: RAND()

For example: = RAND()

SQRT: This function returns the square root of the given number. Syntax: SQRT(number)

For example: =SQRT(4) equals 2

=SQRT(7) equals 2.645751

SUM: This function adds all the numbers supplied as an argument or the range of cell values. Syntax: SUM(number1, number2, …)

For example: =SUM(4,6,2) equals 12.

=SUM(A1,C5,D2) equals sum of the contents at A1, C5 and D2.


Statistical Function

Statistical function is used to analyze the list of data for decision making process. Analysis of data may include total number of data, greatest among them, their correlation, etc. Some of the most useful statistical functions are described below:

AVERAGE: This function calculates the average value (arithmetic mean) of its arguments. Syntax: AVERAGE(number1, number2,…) where number1, number2… are 1 to 30 numeric arguments for which you want the average.

For example: =AVERAGE(20,7,3) equals 10.

COUNT: This function counts the number of arguments supplied or counts the number of cells if the cell range is supplied as an argument to the function. Syntax: COUNT(value1, value2,…)

For example: =COUNT(3,5,4,8,2.9) equals 6


LARGE: This function returns the K th largest value in the given data set. Syntax: LARGE(array, k)

For example: =LARGE(A1:A10, 3) gives the 3 rd largest value in data set A1 to A10.

MAX: This function returns the largest value in the given data set. This function ignores the logical and text values. Syntax: MAX(number1,number2,…)

For example: =MAX(5,8,4,12,3) equals 12.

MIN: This function returns the smallest value in the given data set. This function also ignores the logical and text values. Syntax: MIN(number1, number2,…)

For example: =MIN(2,4,6,0,-2,-6) equals -6.

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