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Displaying the Current Date and Time
To display the current date
<% =date %> Output: Thu, Jan 26, 2009
To display the current time
<% =time %> Output: 11:19:46 PM
To display the current date and time
<% =now %> Output 1/26/09 11:19:46 PM

Month and Monthname

To display the number of the current month .
<% =month(now) %> You'll see a 1 if the current month is January, 2 if it's February, and so on.

To display the name of the current month, type:

<% =monthname(month(now)) %>


To display the day of the current month

<% =day(now) %>


To display the current year

<% =year(now) %>

Weekday and Weekdayname

To display the day of the week as a number from 1 to 7 .
<% =weekday(now) %> Output is 1 if today is Sunday, 2 if it's Monday

To display the day of the week by name, type:

<% =weekdayname(weekday(now)) %>

Hour, Minute, and Second

To display just the hour part of the current time.
<% =hour(now) %> The hour function is based on a 24-hour clock. When you see this number between 0 and 23.

To display just the minutes part of the current time

<% =minute(now) %> The output is number between 0 and 59.

Another Way to Display the Time

we'll need to write a script that looks at the hour and does one of the following:
  • If the hour is 0 (zero), the script displays "midnight."
  • If the hour is 12, the script displays "noon."
  • If the hour is between 1 and 11, the script doesn't change it, but it displays "AM" after "o'clock."
  • If the hour is between 13 and 23, the script subtracts 12 (to make it a number between 1 and 11) and displays "PM" after "o'clock."

. The hour is 

<% if hour(now) = 0 then %>
<% end if 
   if hour(now) = 12 then %>
<% end if 
   if (hour(now) >= 1) and (hour(now) <= 11) then %>
    <% =hour(now) %> o'clock AM.
<% end if 
   if (hour(now) >= 13) and (hour(now) <= 23) then %>
    <% =hour(now) - 12 %> o'clock PM.
<% end if %>
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