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String Functions
Asc() will provide you with the ASCII character code of the character in the parentheses.
str1 = Asc("K")
response.write str1
cSrt() will convert a numeric value into a string.
int1 = 35
str1 = cStr(int1)
inStr() will locate the occurance of a character (or set of characters) in a string and output it's place.
str1 = " ABCDEF"
str2 = Trim(str1)
response.write str2
LCase() will convert an entire string to lowercase.
str1 = "ABCDEF"
str2 = LCase(str1)
response.write str2
UCase() will convert an entire string to uppercase.
str1 = "abcdef"
str2 = UCase(str1)
response.write str2
Trim will remove all blank spaces from the beginning or end of a string.
str1 = " ABCDEF"
str2 = Trim(str1)
response.write str2
Len() will tell you the number of characters in a string.
str1 = "ABCDEF"
str2 = Len(str1)
response.write str2
Replace() will replace a character (or set of characters) with another character (or set of characters).
str1 = "ABCDEF"
str2 = Replace(str1,"CD","YZ")
response.write str2
Split() will split a string into an array of values based on the character defined.
str1 = "ABC,DEF"
str2 = Split(str1,",")
response.write str2(0)
response.write "

response.write str2(1)
Left() will retrieve the number of characters specified from the left of the string.
str1 = "ABCDEF"
str2 = Left(str1,3)
response.write (str2)

Right() will retrieve the number of characters specified from the right of the string.
str1 = "ABCDEF"
str2 = Right(str1,3)
response.write str2
Mid() will retrieve the number of characters specified from the middle of the string.
str1 = "ABCDEF"
str2 = Mid(str1,3,2)
response.write str2
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Install ASP and IIS On WinXp Pro
Asp Syntax
String Function
Date Function
Randon Number
Database Connection String
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